C2 Photo Album

album:March 2017 Working Party

Our bogie wagon out in the sunshine, waiting in front of the Boston Lodge erecting shop for our delivery of profiles.
Dragbox pins being painted prior to assembly.
Axlebox lids and trays being repainted after modifications to the suspension pillar holes and handles respectively.
Replica 'Harbin Forest Machinery Factory' worksplates being painted. We hope to have these polished up and for sale at the Quirks event.
Suspension pillar heads machined from solid by Chris (2) and Dave (1) and about to be painted. One axlebox awaits a final coat of paint behind.
Drawbar pins machined by Colin. Coupling bobweights machined by Chris (1)
Ed applies the finishing touches to the paint on the loco frames.
The loco frames are now the right way up again, and have had a final clean-down and coat of paint before the are reunited with the wheels.
Colin surveys the trial fitting of the axleboxes on the wheelsets.
The last weekend in March was a fine one, with beautiful weather. Is there a railway workshop anywhere in the world with a better view than this?
The group of volunteers based at Glan-y-Pwll depot have been restoring the FR's train of side tippers. They've done about half of them so far; these might make a nice photo-charter rake for our C2 eventually.
The delivery of profiles, back in our shed a couple of days after the working party. Better late than never! We'll be getting on with these at the next working party.
Example of the new range of branded merchandise that will be available at the Quirks event.
Profiles being loaded onto our wagon.